Program Information
Pre-K information
The Sodus Central School District is excited to provide Pre-K Programming again for the 2023-2024 school year. The District has the opportunity to offer four pre-kindergarten classrooms. Three classrooms will service our 4-year-old students and one classroom will service our 3-year-old students.
*Please note: a child must be 4 on or before December 1, 2023 to qualify for the 4-year-old program or a child must be 3 on or before December 1, 2023 to qualify for the 3-year-old program.
Important Information:
Three UPK Classrooms (4-year-old program) – 18 students per classroom for a total of 54 students
UPK Hours: 8:25am-3:05pm
One 3PK Classrooms (3-year old program) – 18 students per classroom for a total of 18 students
3PK Hours: 8:25am-1:30pm (Education Law §3602-e(12)(f) states that the minimum daily time requirement for full-day prekindergarten programs is 5 hours of instructional time daily)
Bus transportation is available for Pre-K students. Students under the age of 4 will be in a car seat.
Students must be residents of Sodus Central School District.
Pre-K spots are limited and funding for the program is provided to the district by a grant from New York State, therefore, students must maintain a 90% or better attendance rate.