Principals Message

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Sodus Intermediate School. Sodus Intermediate is a great place to teach and learn.  We are unconditionally committed to providing the best possible educational program to our students. 

We strive every day at the Intermediate school to create an environment where our students are supported, nurtured, and challenged. In addition, we are constantly reflecting and refining our instructional practices to be the best we can for each one of our students. 

Our Intermediate School theme this year is "RRK The Spartan Way." We will be working to instill our character traits of Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness into everything we do, every day.

I look forward to working with our entire school community this year. I cannot wait for the great things we will do together. If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to call me at (315) 483-5206 or via email

 Megann Johnson

Sodus Intermediate School Principal
